Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What is Global Warming ?

Earth has warmed by about 1ºF over the past 100 years. But why? and how? Well, scientists are not exactly sure. The Earth could be getting warmer on its own, but many of the world's leading climate scientists think that things people do are helping to make the Earth warmer.

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation.

Human activities have damaged the chemicals of the atmosphere through the buildup of greenhouse gases – carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.

This is a section of shoreline at Cape Hatteras in North Carolina in the USA, pictured in 1999 and 2004. The southern United States and Caribbean
region were battered by a series of powerful hurricanes last year.

The amount of CO2 spewed out per year from fossil fuel burning is 12 percent greater now than in the 1990s, their report indicated, and the amount of the greenhouse effect is the greatest in 10,000 years.

An increase in global temperatures can in turn cause other changes, including sea level rise. Which result in big problems in our atmosphere?

The truth is we all must begin reducing global warming, and fortunately there is much to do.

1 comment:

Eid Al Qubaisi said...

Go0o0o0d information about global warming